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Phone: (206) 932-4371 | Monday through Friday (hours vary) 8:30 AM - 5 PM

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Meet Miranda Taylor

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Miranda Taylor


As a professional scientist and health practitioner, Miranda uses everything she knows to help each individual who walks through the door. Sometimes the patient collaborates with their own research, and often they are not surprised by the factors identified as keeping them sick or in pain. Helping mothers, teachers and children overcome debilitating diseases with therapies that only have positive effects, no negative "side" effects is her fulfilling life purpose. Helping parents, children, elderly, refugees from all over the world, people from all walks of life get out of pain and live well is pure joy. Clinics like High Point Health are rare, unique, important, and need to be in every neighborhood.
Miranda works in community with other practitioners to harness a force within and outside each patient, helping acutely ill with severe symptoms to chronically ill patients managing diseases they were told had no cure.


Initially having chosen the most challenging career possible in healthcare - getting a pre-med degree at Cornell University in NY in order to become a veterinarian - Miranda Taylor shifted her focus in order to better be able to help her human community. She went through a rigorous NIAOM Acupuncture Program in Seattle, finishing up at Bastyr University which is considered the "Harvard of Natural Medicine." You will be in good hands with Miranda Taylor, who made the choice of focusing her life on service to her community rather than on raising a family.
Miranda Taylor began her acupuncture studies over two decades ago in 1999 earning a four-year medical degree, MTCM (Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine after interning at the Chengdu University College of TCM in China.
Patients desire to live, love and think clearly from sea level to the sky. Whatever health means — cracking a genuine smile, taking a pain-free walk in a park or on a wilderness trail, playing with a grandchild, or recovering for another competitive race — it's a sunny day in your life when you feel good. Miranda will work hard to help you achieve that.
Miranda enjoys using her education and experience to help anyone who calls, video chats, or walks through the door of her clinic. Patients appreciate the good results they get from being treated as whole beings, rather than addressed as their individual parts. Most patients need fewer food supplements and nutraceuticals (products that purport to be nutritional supplements but also include phamaceuticals), while recovering from joint pain, gallstones, kidney stones, kidney damage, high blood pressure, dizziness, blood sugar imbalances, insomnia, fatigue, skin conditions, ankylosing spondylitis and related autoimmune conditions, colitis, Crohn's, IBS, even decade-long stubborn digestive issues that lead to neurological issues and more.
Miranda co-authored Acupuncture For Stroke Rehabilitation, published by Blue Poppy Press in 2006. Beyond acupuncture and nutrition, Miranda also practices Gua Sha and has far-reaching perspectives on treating health issues with an open mind geared toward explaining it all from a “Chinese medicine perspective”. She completed the Ulan Nutritional Systems Advanced Clinical Training program and Springob's Advanced Morphogenic Field Testing (MFT) training. Miranda teaches classes to patients, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and chiropractors in the basic principles of muscle testing.
Miranda has been a board member of the Washington East Asian Medicine Association, (WEAMA). She remains a professional member of WEAMA, the society of Acupuncture Research, and the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, (NCCAOM). In 2023 she was a research acupuncturist in the Helping End Addiction Long-Term Initiative for the BackInAction Pragmatic Clinical Trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).